What does this mean?
We are taking a bus down! Folks can choose to catch the bus from Glensheen at or at the UMD Bus Hub at 7:30 AM then ride down to the State Capitol. At the Capitol, we will have a room reserved for us to store backpacks and coats. It will be our headquarters for the day.
In the Cass Gilbert room, we will set up tables with historic items from Glensheen, a table with Clara’s Cookies from Johnson’s Bakery, and some poster boards of the critical repairs that need to be fixed at Glensheen. From 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm, we will be asking legislators to stop by the room to grab a cookie, learn some history, and hear about our need for restoration.
We will work to schedule meetings with legislators to directly advocate for Glensheen’s need. If you have personal relationships with non-Duluth legislators, we highly advise to reach out to them. In addition, others will be asked to drop off small bricks around the capitol complex to senators and legislators.
The bus will depart from the capital at 2:00 pm. (A small group will stay behind in the room until 3:00 pm.) When returning to Duluth, we will drop off people at the UMD Bus Hub at 4:30 pm and Glensheen at 5:00 pm.
What should I wear?
Business casual to business formal attire works.
What about food?
We will be providing a $10 food voucher for lunch. We will have breakfast snacks and coffee for the bus ride down.