Every Wednesday in February Glensheen presents Zenith City On Tap, a series of talks on the history of Duluth by author and historian Tony Dierckins, publisher of Duluth’s Zenith City Press.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the presentation starts at 7:00 pm. Local beer and wine available for purchase.
February 13: For the People, By the People: Duluth’s Park System, 1889–2019
Pioneers of the Zenith City first began platting small parks—or “public squares”—as early as 1856, but it wasn’t until the city’s first Board of Park Commissioners formed in 1889 that Duluth laid out a plan to develop the remarkable parks system it enjoys today. This presentation explores how the development of Duluth’s unparalleled park system—including over 170 park properties and roadways encompassing approximately 12,000 acres or 25 percent of the city—was driven by the combined efforts of pioneers, politicians, and a generous and energetic public.