Step by Step for Members
If you purchased your membership online you should already be registered. Just be sure to log in each time with the account you created to receive your membership discounts on tours and member events
Haven’t registered your member account yet?
To make the most of your membership, please take a moment to register online with Glensheen. Once you’ve registered, you can sign into your account and receive all of your member perks. When a member is signed in, these discounts are automatically applied. Register Here
If you’re having trouble registering, please note that your registration information must match the email and contact information that you entered upon becoming a member. Still having a hard time? Give us a call at 218-726-8910 and we will help you out.
Once you’ve registered, you can come to Glensheen! All you need is to bring your membership card to receive your FREE Grounds Admission & FREE Classic Tours.
What to do when you arrive at Glensheen:
- Park in the lot and enter the ticket house.
- ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS MUST CHECK IN AT THE TICKET HOUSE. Yes, even if you registered and redeemed prior.
- Please have the name that is registered with your membership or member number ready
- It helps to have your card handy to receive all the discounts a bit faster, but if not we can use the name of the cardholder to look up the membership too.
- Once checked in, you’re good to go!
What to do on the grounds once checked in:
– There are few places better than Glensheen’s estate to spend a perfect Duluth day.
– Explore the estate. Glensheen’s free app includes detailed information about multiple interest points across the estate.
– There are also 12 educational signs situated at points of interest that allow guests to enjoy a self-guided grounds tour at their own pace.
– Our Lake Superior shoreline is an excellent agate-hunting beach in the spring
– Glensheen’s estate is Instagram gold. We will be actively sharing our visitor’s best posts!
– For the summertime, bring a picnic lunch or have food delivered to enjoy lunch on the estate on our Lake Superior shoreline.